TWO Readers Reply!

Actually, I have received a few emails of support.

I wish you the best with your campaign. I just sent an email to the Senate Banking Committee to push for credit card interest rate and fee maximums. The amount of debt in this country is crazy. The crunch is here.



I am one of the millions who had their credit card interest rate jacked by Bank of America. I don't have a "stellar" credit score but my husband and I have over 30 years of no late payments (and I mean never late - never an over-the-limit-fee - nada!) on any accounts- which used to be enough to get and retain a decent rate - no more!

I found your site through a Google search. I thought it would be interesting if you could post on this message board too- as of right now it is accessible through the msn home page - Money - "Bank of America Blindsiding Customers?"

I have been reading each response since it started. There are hundreds of folks posting who are in the same boat.

Your site makes a lot of sense - so therefore, I feel it has no chance of ever being accepted - LOL. But seriously, thanks for trying and maybe, just maybe, we can start an internet revolution and at least bring these banking bozos to account. Like you, I feel the economic security of our country is at stake!

As I pointed out to the "smug" posters, if you think this isn't going to affect you - think again. As, one by one, folks lose their homes and declare bankruptcy - and can't buy any more good and services - and those that are able to keep up have to put every penny they make onto their credit card balances - and those folks can't buy and goods or services - just how long will it be before even the "cash only basis" folks start to feel the effects of a major recession and inflation?

I know that if homes in my subdivision sell at auction, and I try to sell my house, I won't be able to list it for as much as it's worth because those home sale amounts will bring down my appraisal. Lesser home valuations bring less property tax dollars and subsequently higher property taxes ...where does this ripple effect end?

Sorry to run on - hope you can participate, and again, thanks for your efforts!


Thank you for that wonderful email. I've responded to probably 50 different internet articles about credit card debt and for each one I listed my website links. So far through the first 43 days of 2008 I have around 90 unique visits. In other words, 2.1 people a day have visited my website.

If you want to add this website as a link from your own website, please feel free to do so. I may not be able to do a return link in kind because my site is simply about consumer activism and education and linking to other sites might compromise that perception. If you feel a mutal link is logical, let me know why, I'm always ready to learn.

As the reader stated, ..."Your site makes a lot of sense - so therefore, I feel it has no chance of ever being accepted - LOL. But seriously, thanks for trying and maybe, just maybe, we can start an internet revolution and at least bring these banking bozos to account..."

I don't consider them bozo's, just people trying to save their own job at the hand of the business elite who rule over us.

Please join my Credit Card Protest at

I predicted todays economic woes over two years ago, and I predicted it would be the credit card industry that would lead the way.
